This picture was taken at the Daddy/Daughter dance held in February. They both had a great time. Here it is already the end of March...2009 seems to be flying by and before we know it summer will be here...J will be finishing her kindergarten year...which reminds me that I still need to get her registered for 1st grade at the elementary school.
We need to start on "project schwen"...which means we need to begin to tranform J's room into a room for J and S. J currently has a double bed and we are on the search for two white twin beds and night stands for the girls. I also need to start shopping for summer clothes for both of the girls.
J went to a bowling b-day party yesterday and had the highest score of 16 kids! She had a 96. This is only her 3rd time bowling and yes, it is bumper bowling but still pretty good for a 5 year old. We laugh b/c BV (the high school) has a really good bowling could be J's ticket to college!!!!
It looks like referrals are coming close to 90 days from LID's which means we could potentially receive the ok from China at the end of May...I REALLY need to get my act together here and start on the forms that we will need to return to China. I also want to go ahead and get J a passport in the slim chance that the three of us could travel.