Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Two months ago

It has already been two months since Adam and Schwen returned from China. In some ways it seems like much much longer. Schwen has come a long way from those first few days....the fits are fewer, the language much better and there are times I just wonder what is she thinking about all of this?

Adam's surgery was successful. He is fighting a cold which makes recovery grueling. So far the girls have been healthy; Schwen had a bit of a runny nose last week but no coughing or sneezing. Usually by this time of the year Jia has had the "ick" at least twice but so far so good.

Jia's school is having a book swap...the kids get points for each type of book they take, ie. hardcover is worth 3 points, paperback 2 pts, magazine 1 pt...they trade in their books and get points to spend. Jia took in three bags full of books and is going to share her points with children who did not have any books for the book swap.

It's a favorite day of the week since I work until noon. I can't pick Schwen up until 3:00 so I have a few hours to myself. There are some days I end up working until 3:00 but today I have lunch plans with Justin. It is the last time we will meet at their apt in German Village as they move into their house next week. My little boy is a grown up now with responsibility. He's always been pretty responsible but will now be a homeowner. Wednesday is also the day I actually get to spend more than a half hour of quality time with the girls. I hate the other nights of the week when I don't get home until 6:00 and we are not finished with dinner until after 7:00. By the time we get the table cleared it's 7:15 and we catch the last of Jeopardy then it's homework time, have Jia read or do Chinese homework, read to the girls and then time to get the girls to bed. My goal is to have them in bed by 8:30. I hear stories of others who have their kids in bed by 7 or 8....Schwen could certainly use the extra sleep as could Jia but there just isn't any way to get them in bed earlier with having to work full time. Did I mention I hate working full time??

So hard to believe the holidays are coming up so fast. I hear friends talke about their plans for christmas and I haven't even thought that far ahead. Holidays are a tough time for me. My parents both died 4 years ago, my dad on September 25 and my mom on November 16, and even though I didn't always see them on the holidays they are still difficult. Thanksgiving is next week....I suppose I'll be ready by then. Hopefully Adam will be on the mend a bit more and can do the shopping next week. The weekend is busy and no time to clean or shop. Bottom line is-we will have dinner, just nothing fancy...only food, family and football. What more could we ask for?

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tired or testing

or maybe a little of's been a rough couple of days. Schwen has been whiney and totally uncooperative at home and at school. We had a busy weekend and the girls got to bed pretty late on Friday and Saturday and busy days on Saturday and Sunday so I'll be generous and say that she is tired. I'm working on getting her to bed a bit earlier, which meets with resistance because Jia is not going to bed then. We've also had the issue of Schwen trying to boss Jia around and Schwen clearly does not enjoy being the mei-mei (little sister)..lots of trying times the past few days which I'm struggling with.

We did take Schwen to the pediatric eye doctor and her rx needs to be changed. We will order glasses this week and try them for a few months to see if they correct the crossing. We were there for 3 hours and she had to sit on my lap the entire time. I was happy to have the interpreter and Adam there for the appointment.

Adam is scheduled to have surgery on Friday and his mom will come the night before to spend the night and get Jia off to school. Schwen does not have kindergarten that day and will stay home.There is no sense in driving 2+ hours to take her back and forth. We have to be at the hospital at 6:00 am.

Both girls go to the doctor today. Jia's is for a new patient evaluation and Schwen has to get re-vaccinated on shots that the titers showed she needs. Hopefully we will not need to visit the doctor anymore this fall or winter!

Happy Veteran's Day to all those who have served this country.