Friday, July 31, 2009


Our Article 5 is appoved....this means that all of our documents have been approved and sent to the we are just waiting for travel approval and this should happen in about 2 weeks with travel a few weeks later.

It's been a crazy two weeks with J having play practice every night. I will be so happy when August is here. We are doing NOTHING except spend time at home. Any invitations or events will be declined. We had way too many obligations in June and July and need this down time.

We also need this time to get the house its crunch time and this weekend we need to find a bookcase and get the hallway cleaned up and finished. Hopefully the girls bedroom will be complete in a few weeks.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Queen Mab

J is in summer drama camp-they will be performing Romeo and Juliet and she is to be Queen Mab...we are supposed to find info on Queen Mab and her carriage..J loves drama camp and Dramatic Impact. This will be her 4th play with Ms. Candace and J adores her. It's so much fun for her, exhausting for us as practice is every night from 6-7.

Girls weekend was fun and no one was too unruly and no one was hungover....I guess this is something that comes with age-to drink responsibly! It was great to be on the water even though the ferry ride over was wooley and wild!

We are slowly getting ready for S's arrival. I just need a few weekends home with nothing to do. J's b-day and festivities are this weekend so no luck there.

woke up yesterday feeling pretty yuck...thought maybe it was's more..achey, sore throat, headache, no energy. I need to keep away from everyone so no one is sick this weekend.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Big weekend ahead

Well for me at least. I am headed up to Put-in-Bay for a weekend with 7 friends for an early birthday celebration. Four of the friends are former co-workers from the Dayton/Cincy area, one is my niece and very good friend and two current co-workers/friends. No way does it seem like it could already be 10 years since I celebrated my last big birthday with the former co-workers and niece.

Birthday plans for J are coming along. She has another b-day party to attend on her actual birthday but then we will go to the zoo and she can ride the rides. We'll continue the celebration on Sunday the 26th.

My niece Alyssa is moving into her first apt (non-college) this weekend..seems like she was just 6 herself. She has a job teaching music at a middle school in Springfield and will also be assisting the high school music director.

Justin is headed up to Toledo area to sail in Highlander Nationals with his dad Bruce. They sail the nationals race together every year and won the title two years ago. Bruce's dad was a big Highlander sailer and won the championship 5x. Jill is going along with Justin this time and will be taking care of a baby of fellow sailers plus I'm sure she will spend some time with Bruce and Debbie's girls. Sailing is such a great family sport and I'm glad that Justin has continued with his racing.

It's looking like Adam will be traveling in the next month. We still don't have travel approval but all things continue to point in that direction. We have been trying to figure out the best plan-where to stay, what flights, getting from Shanghai airport to the train station to catch the train to Nanjing-getting from the Nanjing train station to the hotel, arranging guides, etc. When we adopted in 2004 this was all taken care of so it's a bit nerve wracking. We continue to hope that he will travel with the two other families who are adopting children from the same orphanage but it may not happen. We are utlizing every resource we have to find out information and trying to decide what to do. Also just feeling totally stressed from everything-work is very busy for both of us and the weekends have been nuts. With the exception of one event on August 7th we are not doing ANYTHING in other words, unless there is a death we are in seclusion!!! I imagine we'll keep a low profile the first few months after his return with S. J is registered for soccer and will do her chinese classes but otherwise we will keep activities to a minimum and may resurface by Halloween!!

Monday, July 6, 2009

4th of July come and gone

I remember when I was younger and the 4th of July meant that my best friend Tina was going to have her birthday and mine would be 6 weeks behind...boy, I sure hated that she was older than me! Well, Tina turned 50 this past weekend as did another good friend did we get to be 50 already? And in just 6 weeks it will hit me and here I am adding to my family. Tina told me that she went to grandparents day for her 10 year old nieces and saw someone we went to high school with who was there for his grandchildren!!! While I do want grandkids in the near future I certainly would not want to have any that are in the 4th grade!!

We had a relaxing 4th of July weekend-relaxing meaning that we did not have to do TOO much...we did manage to make it to a parade and fireworks on the actual 4th. J loved the fireworks and I love her enthusiasm towards the celebration.

J's 6th b-day is coming up in a few weeks and we made the decision over the weekend that she could have a party at the local pottery studio. So we picked out the cake and invitations-High School Musical of course, and the party will be small but she'll be happy. She only wants HSM "stuff"...which leaves buying gifts wide open.

We should be receiving travel approval in a few weeks and we still are sitting on our rear ends doing nothing. I think we both thrive on the thrill of getting things done at the last minute. It's how my job functions and it has carried over into my personal life.

A busy week-getting ready for the second garage sale this weekend and will end with a pool party on Sunday.