I realized the last time I posted it was six weeks before the wedding..now I think it has been six weeks SINCE the wedding...what a fabulous day...the bride was stunning, the groom handsome and the flower girls were enchanting. It was great to have some of my closest friends present to help celebrate the day.
Since then...life is just busy. I used to have a friend who had at least 6 kids and I remember asking her "how do you do it??" ...her reply-it was toughest going from 1 child to 2 children...yes...I can see this....b/c while S is my 3d child the difference b/t #1 and #2 is 20+ years and I did not raise them together. It is more than double the work, double the laundry, double the food. We've had a few rough weeks but each day gets a bit better. A few weeks ago S was really a tyrant...then I found out she hurt her foot in soccer-and never bothered to tell us...kind of explains why she was so irate-she was in pain. We still have the daily crying for no apparant reason but the tantrums have subsided a little. She graduates from kindergarten next week and will go to firt grade next year and possibly the year after that as well. She is looking forward to riding the school bus.
For the previous 2 summers and winters J has attended acting classes at the local arts center...she has been in at least 5 plays...we attended the christmas show at the Marion Palace Theater and she stated that she wanted to be in a big show. We sw that auditions would be held for children for the summer musical "Guys and Dolls". We asked her if she wanted to audition and she said yes. Luckily a friend auditioned the day before and gave us the lowdown on what to expect. I took her there this past Sunday and she sang and danced and loved seeing all the adults audition as well. She will be in the show as part of the chorus. No speaking parts for the children but what a great experience. The rehearsal schedule will be a bit grueling for a few weeks but since she doesn't have school it is ok. She will attend LaPetite during the day but can sleep on the way there and the way home.
Both girls played on the same soccer team this past spring and loved it. Next year they will be on different teams as J will be on the 2nd/3rd grade team.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Six weeks
Six weeks from today my first child will be getting married. Wow. At first it seemed like such a long way off and now it will be here in just six short weeks. I did not lose the weight I had hoped to lose but I did join a 5:30 a.m. jazzercise class...finally found a time I can fit in my schedule to work out!! I did find three dresses and two pair of shoes and will make the final decision a week before the wedding...and after I purchase the infamous SPANX...all my young friends swear by them...I keep telling them we had the same thing years ago and they were called GIRDLES!!!
Schwen had her first birthday celebration last week. She was on excellent behaviour the two weeks leading up to her birthday-she used it all up because the week after was very trying. We said she was 6 going on 4...it was more like 6 going on 3. She did have a really good time at her birthday party and at Disney on Ice and visiting with friends on Saturday.
February was such a busy month with chinese new year, daddy/daughter dance and Schwen's birthday. The next six weeks are busy with wedding preparations and then we are full into soccer season with soccer games 2x a week. I'll be glad when the summer is here and the only thing the girls will participate in is having fun and a week long drama camp. We do have a few fun things planned also and Schwen will visit the beach this year.
It's nice to see sunshine for a change..of course I can now see all the dust build up and also how filthy the windows are...oh well..can't worry about those little things.
Schwen had her first birthday celebration last week. She was on excellent behaviour the two weeks leading up to her birthday-she used it all up because the week after was very trying. We said she was 6 going on 4...it was more like 6 going on 3. She did have a really good time at her birthday party and at Disney on Ice and visiting with friends on Saturday.
February was such a busy month with chinese new year, daddy/daughter dance and Schwen's birthday. The next six weeks are busy with wedding preparations and then we are full into soccer season with soccer games 2x a week. I'll be glad when the summer is here and the only thing the girls will participate in is having fun and a week long drama camp. We do have a few fun things planned also and Schwen will visit the beach this year.
It's nice to see sunshine for a change..of course I can now see all the dust build up and also how filthy the windows are...oh well..can't worry about those little things.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Our Love girls

Our little valentine "love" girls...they were thrilled with their balloons, candy and high school musical plates..spent a few hours with NeiNei so we could go on a date. Saw the movie "Crazy Heart" and out to dinner..
busy week...Jia has not been to school at all-first President's Day and two snow days..about 20 inches of snow the past week.
had our first post adoption follow up visit with social worker today...girls were wound tight but pam won them over. then the girls and i danced to Sweatin with the oldies...they were tired out!
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
double trouble

So many fun activities in February-Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year and Schwen's birthday. I had the girls try on the dresses Adam bought for them in China. Schwen was so happy with her dress and just kept giggling while looking at herself in the mirror.
We are taking the girls to Disney on Ice on Schwen's birthday. She will have a little party at school the day before and is so excited since many of her classmates have already celebrated their birthdays.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
the yuk is here

We all have it ..the dreaded YUK...Adam is the sickest...the girls still manage to function. I had a few very restless nights of waking up with a sorethroat every 4 hours to take more ibuprofen. I was supposed to have a "girls weekend" this weekend with friends coming to town and we had hotel reservations...with the big great white blizzard (about 10 inches up here)..and the Radloff YUK it was best to postpone. Adam did not even feel good enough to get in the skidloader to clear out the driveway until close to 4:00 pm. I was forced to stay inside and was able to clean the two downstairs bathrooms (much overdue)...the girls played outside for about 40 minutes until Schwen's hands were too cold (why she took her mittens off I'll never know)...they came inside and took an hour and a half nap...they've been getting along pretty good today and with no prompting Jia said that she loved Schwen and Schwen said she loved Jia...
Monday, February 1, 2010
Happy February
the long month of January is now past and lots of things to look forward to in February...Valentine's Day, Chinese New Year, a shower for my future daughter in law, a weekend with some of my best friends and Schwen's birthday!
Saturday, January 30, 2010
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