We all have it ..the dreaded YUK...Adam is the sickest...the girls still manage to function. I had a few very restless nights of waking up with a sorethroat every 4 hours to take more ibuprofen. I was supposed to have a "girls weekend" this weekend with friends coming to town and we had hotel reservations...with the big great white blizzard (about 10 inches up here)..and the Radloff YUK it was best to postpone. Adam did not even feel good enough to get in the skidloader to clear out the driveway until close to 4:00 pm. I was forced to stay inside and was able to clean the two downstairs bathrooms (much overdue)...the girls played outside for about 40 minutes until Schwen's hands were too cold (why she took her mittens off I'll never know)...they came inside and took an hour and a half nap...they've been getting along pretty good today and with no prompting Jia said that she loved Schwen and Schwen said she loved Jia...
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