Saturday, March 14, 2009

I'll try this one more time!

ok, it's been months but I'll give blogging one more try...I wrote down my log in and password so that I can actually access the blog...

We submitted our dossier to Hand In Hand the second week of February and it was sent to China (DTC) on 2/13/09. We found out the other day that our log in date is March 2, 2009...and so the countdown begins..

I so wish Adam, Jia and I could all travel but at this time our finances just will not allow I am playing $2.00 a week on classic lotto and mega millions and just hoping that I hit even $10k!!!

In the mean time we enjoy this time with Jia and get the house ready for Schwen.

I'll try to make the blog a bit prettier and post pics next weekend.


amy said...

WooHoo! Glad to see you have it up and running! Congrats on your LID....We are only a couple of weeks apart so we should still travel tog!! Can wait to see pics
Take care,

Mac said...

Hey Jackie!

We are so excited for you and your family. We can't wait to follow your journey to your beautiful little girl.
