Tuesday, December 15, 2009

It's beginning to look a little like Christmas

the lights are on the outside of the house, the decorations are up and we do have a tree-it just isn't decorated yet.

We took Schwen to church for the first time-she did OK...not great but ok and we did not have to leave the service. I will take them to the christmas cantata on Sunday but not even attempt christmas eve services b/c they do not begin until 7:30 and it is way too crowded, plus I will not get home from work until 6:00 or so. We will do our traditional appetizer dinner on Christmas Eve and then drive around and look at the lights.

Last weekend was a busy weekend-way too busy. Beginning in January things ARE going to slow down and we will turn down many opportunities. The girls go to school during the week and we only have two hours from the time I get home to eat, do homework and get ready for bed. We need to start spending QUALITY time at home with just the four of us. Beginning in 2010 we will only do ONE activity a weekend,if they have chinese class on Saturday then that is it..we will not do nothing else other than church on Sunday. Life just has to slow down for us..it's going by way too fast.

On a humorous note..Schwen walked into the bathroom with a necklace and bracelet and asked if she could wear them to school. I said yes to the necklace but no to the bracelet (it was one she got in China) and told her I was afraid she would lose it at school. She walked into the other room and Adam asked where her bracelet was...she told him "Mama loser"...ok that is what is SOUNDED like...he was cracking up...I then explained what had happened...her english is coming along but still not 100%...what she actually said was Mama lose ah meaning I said she would lose it...oh well.. I'm sure in 10 years she will actually be saying Mom is a loser...and Dad too!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Jackie,
I got your post on my blog awhile ago and tried to e-mail you and the FCC to join. I am having trouble contacting them. Sorry to post on your blog this way! Could you e-mail me at
Thank you!
Elaine Wolfenden