Sunday, August 30, 2009

a great surprise

There are two Hand in Hand (our agency) families in China to get their children and they were able to visit the orphanage and see the children who have families waiting for them. They took many pictures and this is one of my favorites of S with one of her nannies.
This weekend was spent getting things ready. We finally ordered beds on Saturday and they will be delivered on Thursday. The garage is finally cleaned out and I can park a car in there once again. We still had left over garage sale items sitting in the from our sale over two months ago.
Justin turned 27 this past week, so hard to believe my baby boy is SO old! The house they are having built is moving along and hopefully will be finished in a few months and they can get the tax credit. He has been on his procrastinator mother for the past two months to get the wedding guest list to him. He is a much better planner/implementer than I am!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Beth here...
Absolutely LOVE that photo! S. is doing so well! I cannot wait to see her with Adam and then you and J. in her home! I am so excited for you!
