Wednesday, October 14, 2009

reality time

Adam and Schwen have been home for almost four weeks and the newness is gone. Schwen had decided she no longer likes school...great...we think that she may believe that Adam stays home with Jia since Schwen and I leave early in the morning and Adam and Jia are still here and are also here when we get home. Or it could be that she is no longer the "celebrity" at school and realizes she actually has to work. Hopefully we'll figure it out soon.

So far no sickness here. In the past Jia has gotten bronchitis around this time. She goes to my doctor next week for a new patient exam. I switched both her and Schwen to go to the same clinic where I go to. Schwen has appointments with the audiologist and eye doctor in the next few weeks. Then we should be finished until her well child check next year! (I hope)

Jia's school had a reading program last night. The four of us were sitting in the auditorium listening to an author read her book and I reached over and tried to hold Schwen's hand..nope...she pulled it, I should have been prepared for that but wasn't. She can be loving and want hugs/kisses but it has to be on her terms. Jia loved the program and her enthusiasm is contagious. We then divided into groups and the parents went to the multi-purpose room while the younger children stayed with the author and a musician. Schwen and Jia had a great time and this could be part of her problem with her school also...she likes the big kids school.

I'm still struggling with the balance of working full time. I think I could do ok if I actually arrived home at a decent time or even worked part time every day or 4 days a week from 9-3 (so that I did not have to leave the house until 8:15 and could be home before 4:00). Now we get home, eat dinner and then a few minutes for homework and time to get the girls ready for bed. Very little free and quality time with them. We dont' even have much time on the weekends for this and once we get through commitments for the next 4 weekends things are going to change. If we have something planned for one weekend day the other weekend day will be spent at's just the way it has to be. We may miss out on a fun activity or dinner but our family time is just more important (and so is my sanity).

Christmas is right around the corner and I started picking a few things up for the girls. It is going to be a very light and simple christmas here, the girls and I will make gifts for their teachers and I already advised family that I will no longer buy for nieces and nephews-we have 11 on both sides and with all of our expenses this past year and the upcoming year I had to cut back. It will be interesting to see how Schwen reacts to Christmas and also looking forward to spending the day at home with the girls and perhaps Justin and Jill can make it as well. Luckily Christmas is on a Friday so I actually get a three day weekend! Since I have no more paid days off other than the holidays I especially look forward to the holidays!

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