Tuesday, September 29, 2009
catching up
on monday schwen thought she was going to school with jia and was not happy that she was to spend the day with me. I had to clean the carpets so she played with the remote control barbie jeep until Nei Nei (Adam's mom) came over for a visit. Both girls were very happy to spend some time with their grandma.
i took schwen to school today. It was supposed to be a "trial" with me in the classroom. I had prepared my bag and was going to use the time to cut out coupons, make a menu and grocery list. Schwen was practically pushing me out the door before we even got her to the classroom. I used the time to buy the girls come clothes at Kohl's and Once Upon a Child and even found a few xmas gifts to put away. Schwen had a great morning at kindergarten and will go back on Thursday for a full day from 9-3. She was wiped out though and is napping as I write this. I also took her to Adam's dads bookshop for a visit. She was very happy to see her Pop Pop and was thrilled to be able to choose a book for herself and one for Jia.
I picked up the new People magazine today-Katherine Heigl is on the cover with her baby she adopted from Korea. I've never been a big KH fan before but have a bit more respect for her since she has adopted a child. Adoption is not for everyone-many people are convinced they have to have their own flesh and blood for a child and won't even consider adoption. When we left the bookshop today I asked Adam's dad (who will be 81) if he ever thought he'd have two grandaughters from China...he said never in a million years but it was happy he did.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
a good day

For the most part a really good day. I picked up cash from the Sweet Victory resale shop where I dropped off left over garage sale items. It's a sweet deal-I made $48 on a few items that I could not sell at two garage sales. We then went to the library and both girls went to the children's area and sat and looked at books and each of them chose a book to check out. We took the girls to the Hamburger Inn for lunch. Schwen has officially arrived in Delaware since she's been to the HI! Jia had a birthday party and Schwen seemed to do ok with dropping her off but had the big melt down when we got home and it took Adam a little while to settle her down. I wanted him to do so b/c she has been attached to me like velcro.
After dinner the girls headed upstairs for more dress-up. This is the third night in a row and Schwen is like a kid in a candy store. The first pic of her in the Belle costume was taken last night. The other pics were taken tonight. She loves dressing up and looking in the full length closet door mirrors and strutting around like a model. The girls also watched a video of Ni Hau Little Friends and it was really fun to watch Schwen and Jia sing along with the songs. Schwen was clearly familiar with the songs on the video.
We have an outing with the Pengyou Pals,(a social group of girls their age adopted from China), on Sunday and have been invited to a cook out of friends/neighbors from church. They have chickens and horses and cats. Schwen and I stopped by for a visit the other day and she was totally fascinated with the chickens.
Friday, September 25, 2009

This is Schwen's new word. She is really picking up quite a bit of english and does not go around as much speaking constantly in mandarin. Tonight she was saying Xie Xie (thank you) and I said it back..she gave me the thumbs up and said "good job mama!"
We've had a few rough patches today-she willingly went with Adam to drop medical records off at the pediatrician but when she realized I was not going she had a huge meltdown and threw a temper tantrum in the parking lot of the doctors office. We are really concerned on how she will do when I leave her at school. Her second incident occurred when I took her to the mall with me and as the car stopped she opened the door-so a scolding from mom.
There were many positives today also. I've been working with her on her letters and she can write F and E and can recognize those letters. She found them on her own in a book and showed them to me. She was playing with magnet letters and showed me how she matched upper and lower case letters and she can also count to 8 in english.
On Thursday night Jia took Schwen up to their room and introduced her to the world of dress up..oh the girls had great fun, hence the word "BEE YOU TI FULL".
Schwen is still needing 12 hours of sleep a night an a nap. School is going to be an adjustment. We will need to be out the door by 7:15 am. I can let her sleep until 6:45 am but can't see putting her to bed at 6:45 pm -I don't even get home until 6:00 pm. I'll try to eliminate the naps towards the end of next week.
Attached are pics of the girls dressed up.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
No cavities!!!
We made a trip to Wal-Mart, to the resale shop and CVS then home for lunch and a bit of outside play. She keeps asking where Jia and Baba are. We took Jia to school today b/c we had a late night at the fair. Schwen grabbed her backpack as we went out the door and thought she was going to school with Jia.
The girls had a great time at the fair. We made them go through all the animal barns first and then the merchant barns and then they had to eat and then we finally let them go on the RIDES.. oh what fun they had with the neighbor girls and the rode each ride many times. The big slide and dragon coaster were the big favorites of the night and of course the ice cream on the way to the car. We also stopped to see the turkeys being auctioned off and this seemed to hold their interest quite a bit also.
Adam's dad sent pictures of Adam and Schwen's homecoming and Schwen has been though them at least 20x so far. Schwen and Baba are now laying down for a little nap. Tomorrow Schwen and I will be home all day so we will start on some school work.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Adam will be home in a bit and we'll take the girls to the fair. Jia has been itching to go since Saturday.
Schwen seems to feel very comfortable around the house and will even go upstairs by herself to get her glasses, slippers, etc. She is still a bit leary of the dogs but not as terrified as she was. She is eating whatever I give her. She was not crazy about the pnut butter roll up for lunch but when she realized that's what she was getting she ate it along with her gogurt and apple.
Monday, September 21, 2009
What day is it???
Sunday was Jia's gotcha day-I met her 5 years ago ...hard to believe. We spent the day at the zoo and the girls rode all the rides including the old wooden roller coaster and they both loved it.
We were supposed to go to the fair today but it was raining most of the day and Adam ended up not working b/c of the rain. We took Schwen to meet her kindergarten teacher and see her school. With a little extra effort on our part she should catch up pretty quickly. We then went to visit the law firm where I work and Schwen and Jia were both in rare form and really livened up the place!
Schwen fell asleep again on the couch. The jet lag is catching up with her. Adam is waking up at 3:30 and 4:30 am so by 9:00 everyone else is in bed and I have a few minutes to myself!
Saturday, September 19, 2009
A busy day
Friday, September 18, 2009
They are home!
We drove Jia to school this morning and she seemed very interested in what was going on. She babbles a lot and she and Adam seem to have their own language. He did such a good job with her in China.
Schwen loves to point to any picture of Justin and say his name. She did a pretty good job of keeping herself entertained while Adam and I were unpacking.
After nap we are going to the grocery store and then it will be time for Jia to get off of the bus. A busy weekend planned.
Will post pics later. Time for me to get a shower!
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It's Citizenship day!!
As I write this Adam and Schwen are in the air and only 7 hours more to go until the flight arrives in Newark, NJ for a 3.5 hour layover, then 2 more hours until they arrive in Columbus...
I can tell Jia is excited but also nervous.Last night she asked "what if Schwen doesn't' like me?"....I feel the same way! She had a soccer game last night and we afterwards went out for dinner with Nei Nei and Pop Pop-it was a late night and she was exhausted and had to go to bed right when we got home. I'll let her sleep a bit more than wake her up and spend some time together this morning.
We are as ready as we can be. On hindsight I should have taken today off of work as I would have liked to have had a chance to go to the grocery store to stock up. It just did not happen. We'll figure it out. I'm sure I could probably send Adam tomorrow-he will probably enjoy the time alone!!
When I talked to Adam the last few days in China he told me it was raining. He neglected to tell me just how much and hard it was raining. There is a family on the Shamain Island whose blog I follow and they post pics of the flooded streets from the torrential rain pour from Typhoon Fred.
Thanks for following Adam's journey. I do plan to continue this blog with the random ramblings of our lives.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
just a few more days
I know Jia is very excited to have her daddy and sister home. As always, she has been a great trooper these past 10 days and I've enjoyed the time alone with her, espcially since I know these times will now be limited.
It was 5 years ago today that my mother in law Pat and I flew to China to get Jia. Her "gotcha" day is September 20th and she wants to go to the zoo to celebrate. We mark our lives with events-the birth of my son Justin and gotcha day for Jia are two of the best events of my life and on Thursday Schwen's arrival will be ingrained into my heart and memory as well.
Red Couch

Following the tradition to take a pic on the red couch at the White Swan.
Just 24hrs until we leave to take the oath. They want us to walk down to the
White Swan and ride along with two other familes. No big deal as long as it is
not raining as it is now. The ride is free and someone is supposed to take us
to the train station afterward.
We went to the White Swan and took a few pictures. We did pretty well today, she
only had 2 melt downs. I'm ready to come home.
Monday, September 14, 2009
TB test is clear!

This morning Schwen was pushing my buttons from the moment I got up until we
went to the clinic for the result of the TB test, which was fine, hardly even a mark.
We got out the beads and she made three necklaces, one each for us and one for
the hand-in-hand guide. We forgot take the extra necklace with us to the clinic so
after the exam she took hers off and handed it to Cordelia. Cordelia was very
impressed and said she had never received a gift from a child before.
We went to the bank to exchange travelers checks. Advice for others do not
take travelers checks to China unless you have a lot of time on you hands. The
people behind me where moaning and the teller acted like she had never done it
before, in the end it took over one hour and 4 tellers triple checking everything. What a pain.
We also walked to the exercise equipment and played a little, but as we were
walking away Schwen started making fun of one of the women exercising right in
front of her and I had to scold her in public. I didn't get a second look from
the people around, almost as if they approved.
She napping now we shall see what the rest of the day brings.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
First we went to the Guangdong Folk Arts Museum. It was interesting but the
girls were bored and hot.
Next to a large porcelain store which everyone loved, lots of cool stuff, but it
was "you break it you bought it" so Schwen kept me occupied watching her.
Then there was dim sum for lunch which was great, Schwen ate like a horse.
When we got of the van Schwen decided she wanted to be friends with Barb's
seven year old daughter and started holding hands with her. During lunch she
took off the pink watch I bought her and made her new friend wear it. While there I
had to take Schwen to the bathroom and she used a squatty potty, it was impressive.
From there it was on to a large amusement park with rides. The girls had a lot of fun.But at 96F and high humidity we were done for the day.
She kicks, she scores!!!!
Her KCAP (Kids China Arts Program) classes started on Saturday and she was happy to see many of her friends. She is taking Chinese first grade, dance, calligraphy and choir and loves all of the classes and her teachers.
I am on the board of our FCC (Families with Children from China) chapter and we had a board meeting while the kids were in class. The board had a surprise "shower" for me and Schwen received many new outfits, a book about Chinese New Year, a few gift cards (one to Claire's which will be great fun) and an awesome Hello Kitty fortune cookie maker. It was a total surprise to me and at first I wasn't quite sure of what was going on as I've been in such a fog the last week. I'm putting everything back in the gift bags and will let Schwen open them. Adam said she does like clothes! He is going to have to get a second job for clothing for two girls!!
Waiting to hear from Adam yet today. I did speak to him yesterday and he said that Schwen really enjoys it when he reads books to her and she turned off the television and took one of the books over and indicated that she wanted him to read to her. Her favorite of the ones I sent was "D is for Dragon" by Grace Lin. We have many Grace Lin books so it will be interesting to see if she is drawn towards them. Jia and I set up the hallway upstairs with a book case filled with children's books, a small couch and small rocking chair-her Raggedy Ann doll currently sits in the chair and is the "library lady".
Our friend Julia is coming over today to paint Schwen's chinese characters on the wall in the girls room. Julia painted a fantastic mural in Jia's room 3 years ago and put Jia's chinese characters on the wall so we thought we'd add Schwens. I'll post a pic once Adam returns with the camera.
Jia and I are headed to the horse parade today. No motorized vehicles-only horses and mules, musical groups and the "pooper scoopers" from OWU who are alway entertaining if you are at the end of the parade! The horse parade is held the week before the Delaware County Fair and draws a big crowd. Jia's friend Reagan will be riding in the parade so Jia is very excited.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
In Guangzhou!
After a delayed flight Adam and Schwen arrived in Guangzhou on Friday at 11:30 pm. Upon arrival at their hotel they went right to bed as Schwen had her medical exam early Saturday morning. She had to get the TB test and 3 additional vaccinations, which she took like a real trouper (the kid was smiling). She was fine throughout the medical exam and the shots but would not cooperate for the eye examination and the doctors finally gave up. Lunch at Lucy's and back to the Victory for a nap.
I received a frantic email from Adam at 1:30 am our time that he needed the dates of our I800A application and approval. After much digging around I found what was needed and gave him a call. This is needed for the visa application for Schwen and he did not want any delay.
Schwen did not do well on the short 2 hour ride from Nanjing to Guangzhou and she also hated having her seat belt on in the car. He has saved a lot of the things I sent for the plane ride home so hopefully that will help plus the plane's entertainment system.
While at the medical exam Adam met one of the other families from our agency who are in GZ the entire time. They are going to meet up on Sunday and take a tour. They adopted a 5 year old girl so perhaps the two girls can play together and Adam can enjoy adult conversation and company.
Adam said Schwen's personality is starting to show. The information we received on her said she was introverted- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!She is very outspoken. She also likes to mimic people. They were in an elevator and a guy was talking on his cell phone and when he stepped out of the elevator she acted like she was holding a phone to her ear and was yak yak yakking away. She has a sense of humor. She has no boundries but she does respond to directions, and does not like to eat anything except sweets and starches.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Leaving Nanjing
When I talked to Adam yesterday he said Schwen wanted to know if Anna (their guide) would be going with them on the plane and Anna explained to Schwen that she would not. Anna was a great help to Adam while in Nanjing, not only with Schwen but she was an adult who spoke english!!! Adam and Schwen have figured out a way to communicate but sometimes it is even hard for Anna to figure out what Schwen means because she speaks with a strong Nanjing slang.
Adam is looking forward to going to the Shamain Island and seeing "greenspace" and letting her burn some energy at the parks and pool.
I am happy it is Friday. I really need to find some time to get things done around the house.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
The honeymoon is starting to wear off, last night Schwen and I were fighting over the TV. Her ripping through all the cable channels non-stop, all blaring in mandarin, was getting old so I took the remote set it on one channel and she was mad every time a commercial came on and wanted it changed. You can tell they used the TV a lot in the orphanage……. she will get a rude awakening at Radloff house.
Really part of the problem is that there is absolutely nothing for a active five year old to do around here, no parks, not much grass, you can only walk around the shopping areas so many times. Anna is taking us out to dinner tonight at a restaurant that is supposed to be good. She has been a great help here it would have been a lot harder to do this without her.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Wednesday's visit to SWI
Today was a much better day for me, not so much for Schwen in the morning. We got to go to SWI and meet the kids. I have a lot of pictures and a few small videos. Anna told Schwen we were going but as we started to get near she shut down then started crying when stopped out front to get out of the taxi. She started to bounce back when we gave her the job of handing out the treats we bought. Then she came out of her shell and I got to observe her interact with her friends. She really liked handing out the treats and being in control.
The place seemed pretty clean and staff was very nice. Nanjing has cooled off a little and the kids were outside. Anna pointed out a small building for the kids that have severe disabilities and the nannies had a few of the children outside. Until you’re in China and you’ve been to an orphanage you just don’t know how good we Americans have it. These kids have nothing and wear old worn out clothes. Schwen eats a lot and fast like someone might take it from her at any time. When we were walking down the short street as we were heading into the orphanage she took off the necklace I had given her and handed it to me, it was if she knew if she had it on someone would want it. She hides things under her pillow, probably the only safe place she had.
She got say goodbye to her friends and as we were heading back she said she had a headache so we got something to eat. Now she is napping.
As a funny note, the taxi driver on the way back was a woman who would put men drivers in the states to shame, she would get within inches of cars at 40 mph weaving between semi size fuel trucks, buses and bicycles. All this while talking on her cell phone, telling Anna she had had a nose job (they increase the size in China to look more western) and blaring the horn at anyone in her way. I would love to have a chance to drive here, it’s like a Grand Prix race everyday.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Art and soccer
We picked up her soccer jersey today and the team is the "Force" and the color is yellow. She so wanted to be a pink "Flame" again.
As of this Saturday we will be in full swing with KCAP (kids china arts program) and soccer...and now the fun begins!
We are missing Adam but time is going by quickly for us.
Adoption finalization
The finalization went well today, we met Anna in the lobby at 8:30am and as we were waiting outside she noticed a small bus filling up with the French adopting families, so she told the taxi driver to hurry up and get there before them. It was wild a ride down back alleys and little one-way streets loaded with bikes and people.
The whole process took about 15 minutes. I had to write a paragraph on why we wanted to adopt and answer some questions. Then do the thumb print stamp on my signature. Schwen got very nervous when we were there, I think she thought she was going back to the orphanage but was very happy when we pulled up back at the hotel telling Anna she wanted to go to the room and watch TV, dragging me into the hotel.
Instead Anna took us shopping in the walking mall, which was a good thing because the shop keepers were pulling on my arm as we were leaving trying to get me to buy more, it was a little too much in my face for me, but Anna knew how to handle them. They are VERY aggressive with me thinking I’m a rich American. As best as I can tell I am the only American in the hotel and as far as I can tell the only English speaking foreigner in the area. The other families are a French group and they don’t speak English.
Then she gave us a surprise, she had translated where Schwen was found and it turned out to be a 2 minute walk from the hotel in the very walking mall we were in. She asked a few shopkeepers where it was and finally a cop. All the shops are numbered and there are about 1000 of them and it is hard to tell and they change hands all the time. The photos of the shops with us in front of them are as close as we are ever going to get.
Five minutes after Anna left house keeping knocked to clean our room so we walked to a grocery store and tried to find something like Tylenol with no luck, I’ll have to ask Anna tomorrow. Then Schwen ate her first McDonalds, she loved the French fries but drank so much bottled water afterward it came out her nose. It amazing how much of the basics I have to show her, like showing her how to use a fork, not being able to screw a cap on a bottle stuff you just take for granted at 5 years old.
We are still getting along when we are alone but she becomes very excited, loud and talkative when Anna is with us. Last night she did some crying when she would wake up and not realize where she was, it was easy to calm her down but it went on for about 2 hours. She is trying to nap now it’s around 2.
Tomorrow around 9:30 we are going to the orphanage, not inside and maybe not to see the kids. They are very busy, only
Monday, September 7, 2009
It's official
Gotcha day was better than anticipated. Adam was in the room, Schwen went into the room, saw him, gave him a hug and said "Baba". She holds his hand when out and gives him a lot of smiles. The guide says she has a good vocabulary and speaks mandarin with a nanjing dialect. Communication is difficult but she is mimicking him. She is not shy and has her opinion on the clothes and toys. She told the guide she wanted to see her things and was very definite on what she liked and did not like and then folded everything up and put it away. They went to the store and she wanted apples and pears to eat. His biggest concern is keeping her busy while in Nanjing. A good first day and she went to bed with no problem.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
Day 2
He lucked out on the 16 hour flight from Newark to Hong Kong and had two empty seats next to him. He said the food on Continental was horrible. The Dragon Air flight from Hong Kong to Nanjing was nice and again he had an empty seat.
Arrived in Nanjing and met by his guide Nancy. She took him to the bank to exchange money and told him he needed a $1,000 more than he had anticipated! He said he about threw up! She spoke with the HIH person and found out these fees were already paid. It turns out that Nancy works for some agencies that don't require the payment up front. The bank was interesting-tons of people sitting around on benches waiting and Nancy goes right up to a window and banged on it and the money was exchanged. He was very impressed.
Nanjing is very industrial and tons of people everywhere. He said it is like being at the State Fair! There is a kareoke event going on outside of his hotel and busloads of people were being dropped off! Things he noticed right away were smog, smell and so many people. He decided to venture out and was bombarded by people trying to sell him things. He said he only saw two other caucasion people and that he really stands out. We've heard there are seven families adopting children this week so hopefully he can hook up with those families at some point. No other families from out agency though. I received four requests from families who have children in Nanjing and gave Adam their names in case he is able to visit the orphanage. Right now he is just a bit overwhelmed with everything.
Jia and I will be out of town until Monday night so probably won't post until then. Happy Labor Day to everyone!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Adam's Itinerary
travel to Hong Kong-overnight at HK Sky City Marriott
fly to Nanjing where he will be met by the guide and taken to the hotel
gotcha day
leave Nanjing and fly to Guangzhou
consulate appointment
oath and then take the train from Guangzhou to Hong Kong-overnight in HK
arrive at CMH at 7:30 pm
Friday, September 4, 2009
And so the adventure begins!!!
I read that there will be a total of 7 families getting children from Nanjing next week so hopefully Adam will be able to connect with a few.
I have so much to do while he is gone...clean the house, clean the carpets, get the girls room ready, make a few dishes and put into the freezer. They will be home in less than two weeks. J and I made a paperchain and will tear away a chain for each day daddy is gone.