Friday, September 11, 2009

Leaving Nanjing

Adam and Schwen are leaving Nanjing today so no posts from him until Saturday. The week has really gone by fast for Jia and I.

When I talked to Adam yesterday he said Schwen wanted to know if Anna (their guide) would be going with them on the plane and Anna explained to Schwen that she would not. Anna was a great help to Adam while in Nanjing, not only with Schwen but she was an adult who spoke english!!! Adam and Schwen have figured out a way to communicate but sometimes it is even hard for Anna to figure out what Schwen means because she speaks with a strong Nanjing slang.

Adam is looking forward to going to the Shamain Island and seeing "greenspace" and letting her burn some energy at the parks and pool.

I am happy it is Friday. I really need to find some time to get things done around the house.

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