What's that I hear? Nothing except the coyotes howling as the train goes by and the rooster next door...the girls are both sound asleep. It's been a rough morning. Adam went to work and Schwen seemed fine until after lunch and then "where's baba?"..I read the girls a book and had them lay in bed. Schwen decided she wanted to goof around and fell out of bed, landed on my hand and pulled my thumb back. I raised my voice and told her to lay down...many many tears and I comforted her and sat in the room while they both settled down and then left and went downstairs. The next time I checked they were both out. Schwen watched Super Why and Sesame Street this morning and played quietly by herself. She was totally enthralled with the oven mitt to the Pizza Hut pizza kit and I let her take it to bed with her. She also likes her Kai Lan doll given to her by a friend and co-worker.
Adam will be home in a bit and we'll take the girls to the fair. Jia has been itching to go since Saturday.
Schwen seems to feel very comfortable around the house and will even go upstairs by herself to get her glasses, slippers, etc. She is still a bit leary of the dogs but not as terrified as she was. She is eating whatever I give her. She was not crazy about the pnut butter roll up for lunch but when she realized that's what she was getting she ate it along with her gogurt and apple.
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
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