After a delayed flight Adam and Schwen arrived in Guangzhou on Friday at 11:30 pm. Upon arrival at their hotel they went right to bed as Schwen had her medical exam early Saturday morning. She had to get the TB test and 3 additional vaccinations, which she took like a real trouper (the kid was smiling). She was fine throughout the medical exam and the shots but would not cooperate for the eye examination and the doctors finally gave up. Lunch at Lucy's and back to the Victory for a nap.
I received a frantic email from Adam at 1:30 am our time that he needed the dates of our I800A application and approval. After much digging around I found what was needed and gave him a call. This is needed for the visa application for Schwen and he did not want any delay.
Schwen did not do well on the short 2 hour ride from Nanjing to Guangzhou and she also hated having her seat belt on in the car. He has saved a lot of the things I sent for the plane ride home so hopefully that will help plus the plane's entertainment system.
While at the medical exam Adam met one of the other families from our agency who are in GZ the entire time. They are going to meet up on Sunday and take a tour. They adopted a 5 year old girl so perhaps the two girls can play together and Adam can enjoy adult conversation and company.
Adam said Schwen's personality is starting to show. The information we received on her said she was introverted- HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!She is very outspoken. She also likes to mimic people. They were in an elevator and a guy was talking on his cell phone and when he stepped out of the elevator she acted like she was holding a phone to her ear and was yak yak yakking away. She has a sense of humor. She has no boundries but she does respond to directions, and does not like to eat anything except sweets and starches.
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