Tuesday, September 15, 2009

just a few more days

It is already Tuesday morning in the states, Tuesday evening in China. The day for Jia and I is ready to begin; the day for Adam and Schwen is winding down and tomorrow they will leave China and begin their long trip home to begin Schwen's new life in the USA. A little more than a week ago she was living in an orphanage..the past 8 days her life has been living in hotels, eating out, having Baba to herself 24/7. It will be good to get her into a routine. I've already spoken with her kindergarten teacher and Jia, Schwen and I will take a visit to the school on Tuesday. She will begin school full time on October 5th. My office is right next to the school and I can be there in "2 minutes and 2 seconds" (for all you former "Love Connection" fans!!)

I know Jia is very excited to have her daddy and sister home. As always, she has been a great trooper these past 10 days and I've enjoyed the time alone with her, espcially since I know these times will now be limited.

It was 5 years ago today that my mother in law Pat and I flew to China to get Jia. Her "gotcha" day is September 20th and she wants to go to the zoo to celebrate. We mark our lives with events-the birth of my son Justin and gotcha day for Jia are two of the best events of my life and on Thursday Schwen's arrival will be ingrained into my heart and memory as well.

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